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Clubstation Rohde & Schwarz Munich
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DL0RUS is a member of DARC e.V., DOK C01 (Vaterstetten).
About us:

The Clubstation DL0RUS is a community of licensed amateur radio operators and persons who are interested in amateur radio. All members are employees of Rohde & Schwarz working in the headquarter in Munich, Germany.

DL0RUS is a member of the \"Deutscher-Amateur-Radio-Club e.V.\". The purpose of our clubstation is to activate ham-radio within Rohde & Schwarz and take care about people of the company – especially the young ones - who want to become amateur radio operators.

The suffix of our callsign DL0RUS expresses the connection to Rohde & Schwarz (in German \"Rohde und Schwarz\").

Since the foundation more than twenty years ago there have been many contacts on all ham-radio bands. After some years with lower activity a team of amateur radio operators began in 2009 to reactivate the old amateur radio station. At the moment we have more than 50 operators that can use the station.

Every second Tuesday per month, from 15:00 – 17:00 UTC, we have activity-day. At this time you will find us on different ham-radio bands.

At the moment we are using as antennas a HyGain TH5-MKII beam for the 10m / 15m / 20m band and a double-dipole antenna for the 40m and 80m band. We have also an antenna for the 2m / 70cm band. All antennas mounted on a tower about 30m above ground.

As transceiver we are using an ICOM transceiver IC-756 PRO III with additional power amplifier and a commercial Rohde & Schwarz XK-2000 shortwave transceiver modified with a special software for amateur radio.

For VHF and UHF we are using an Yaesu FT-857 transeiver.