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ex CALL(s): HA7KMP

Alexandrosz Szvarnasz
Просмотров: 3,562
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My name's Alexandrosz Szvarnasz and I'm from Hungary. I'm married with one child (Aténé: 4). My father (HG7JQJ: Jorgosz) is originally from Greece. That's why I have a Greek name. I have been doing ham activity (HA7KMP - club station) since 1982. Later I started to learn English individually then graduated at the local college of Békéscsaba, eastern Hungary and became a teacher of English and a primary teacher in 1995. I got my personal callsign in 1984. Since then I have been active both on HF/UHF bands. HA7KMP and HA7JQK started to transmit in Tiszakürt. Later I moved to Békéscsaba and used HA7JQK/8, but according to the EU legislations, the system of ham callsign use has been changed, so I'll have to use simply HA7JQK from my new QTH: Békéscsaba. My HF equipment: IC-735 + vertical antenna. My VHF equipment: Kenwood TM-731E + GP antennas.
'73 Alex