Польша Польша


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Wojciech W. Gello
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Special event station commemorate the 80 anniversary of years IARU and 75 of years PZK QRV in period from 25 jan. to 6 mar. 2005 and from 15 to 31 dec. 2005. QSL via my home call SP8MI - via Bureau or direct (SASE 1IRC - new). On cards send in e.QSL.cc system I do not answer.

JUBILEE AWARD "75 years of PZK, 80 years of IARU,10 years of SR"

The Jubilee Award is issued by The Polish Amateur Radio Society PZK and AVT, the editor of "Swiat Radio" magazine. The award is being issued on the occasion of the 75th jubilee of Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow (PZK), 80 years since the creation of IARU and 10 yaers of existence of "Swiat Radio" on the Polish market. The award is available for licensed amateurs and listeners. All radio contacts held between January 1st 2005 and 31 December 2005 count for the award. All amateur frequency bands and emissions can be used in the contacts. To qualify for the Jubilee Award, the applicant needs 75 points for the basic award and 750 points for the Throphy Award. Polish stations have to contact members of PZK for these contacts, foreign amateurs can communicate with any Polish station. Scoring: A QSO with a Polish station - 2 points, a QSO with special-call-sign stations (75 years of PZK) with prefixes SP75, SQ75, SP0 - 5 points; a QSO with special call-sign-stations (75 years of PZK and 80 years of IARU) with an IARU suffix - 10 points; a QSO with HF75PZK gives 15 points. Foreign stations from Europe multiply these points by 2, DX stations outside Europe multiply these points by 3. In the application for the basic Jubilee award one can count only one contact with a Polish station. For the sticker Trophy award, you can count one QSO with the same Polish station using CW, one on phone and one using a digital mode on each of the bands. Stickers are available for PHONE, CW, MIXED, RTTY, PSK and SSTV modes. The cost of the award for foreign stations is 5 EURO, 5 USD or 5 (new) IRCs. The award will be issued until the end of 2009. Applications for the Jubilee award should be sent in the form of a log extract to:

PZK Award Manager, Augustyn Wawrzynek, SP6BOW, P.O. Box 54, 85 - 613 Bydgoszcz 13, Poland.