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Gianluca Mazzini
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I passed the first level of examination in 1985 (when I was 17 years old), that was permitting to operate only above HF. I passed the italian top level of examination with CW in 1987 (when I was 19 years old) for regular operation. I obtained the IK4LZH callsign in 1988. I started to operate my own station in 1989. Since 1990 I have a great antenna Klm KT34XA (6 elements, 3 bands) and run first a Kenwood TS440 then a Kenwood TS950S. I ran my first experience on packet radio with Kantronics. I wrote and operated the QSL Info System, a simple system with access on HF and VHF to collect and search QSL card informations. The system has been running from 1991 to 1996. I performed a lot of QSO and contests. I love SSB. In 1996 a tornado destroyed my Klm antenna. Without antenna I made really few activities in 1997, 2002, 2004 and 2005 with some dipoles. In 2015 I moved my TS950S to another house and I decided to test if it worked again. With a dipole I restarted weekly activity and the ham radio passion came back very strong. In 2016 I started to operate with Momobeam 16 elements triband full size MB16 (or now called TRI16). Really a great antenna with important performance. I am involved with Gugliemo Marconi Foundation as board member and with the managing of its memorial station IY4FGM. I keep on running the QSL Info System in Internet. Since 1998 I am the owner of 425dxn.org domain where some italian friends collect interesting DX news. I have developed and managed different bulletin distribution systems. In 2017 I added the Yeasu FT991A to the shack. In 2019 arrived the ICOM 7610 and a G5RV to work some QSO on 40m and 80m.

I am present on QRZ, LOTW, CLUBLOG, EQSL, HRDLOG and I prefer electronic QSL with respect to paper one. Anyway I answer to paper QSL.

In 2016 my wife, Teresa "Terry", passed the Ham radio examination and since 2017 she has the call IU4ICT. I enjoy running some contests with Teresa as multioperator, tipically from IQ4FA contest station in Vigarano Mainarda.

I enjoy running contests. Sometimes just for few hours to increase the whole contest partecipation. Sometimes to attempt a good result. Here a link to my contest results http://contest.chaos.cc

In 2018 I have started activity on FT8. Actually I am performing analysis of propagation in various bands by collecting two ways QSO exchange. You can find first results on https://ft8.chaos.cc In this path I am limiting to contact any correspondent one time for a week for a band.

Sometimes, when we go on vacation, I have radio with me, for example: August 2016, 9A/IK4LZH in Krk (Croatia); August 2017, 4O/IK4LZH in Budva (Montenegro); August 2018, 9A/IK4LZH in Krk (Croatia); August 2018, F/IK4LZH in Clussais-la-Pommeraie (France); August 2019, 9A/IK4LZH in Krk (Croatia); August 2019, sailing as IK4LZH/MM in different Croatia islands.

From 2018 I have been involved in the WRTC2022 organization sitting in the board and from 2023 I have served as president. I have developed 18 youtube videos to describe the ham radio activities (unfortunately only in italian language) just to answer to the common questions that you can find at http://radioamatori.chaos.cc/