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Hideyuki Nebiya
Просмотров: 934
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Hello my Ham Friends !

I am pleased to introduce myself as an active ham radio operator from downtown Tokyo

My Amateur Radio History

1971 - I successfully passed my Phone class license, when I was 14 years old. I was stationed JE1BQE in downtown Tokyo and I started coming on the air with a TRIO TR-2200 and a home made GP antenna hanging out of the Barracks window for my 2 meter FM contacts.

1975 - I upgraded my license to 2nd Class, and my parents presented me a TRIO TS-311 HF transceiver when I was a junior high school student. I enjoyed to talk with overseas with this TS-311 (10 watts) and a home made HB9CV antenna at rooftop.

1976 - When I became a university student, I started to write some technical articles in Ham Radio Magazines at a part-time job, then I bought a Yaesu FT-101E with my salary. I had the pleasure to use this 100 watts FT-101E at home. I set up my first 20 feet tower and a triband antenna, a 3 element Mosley TA-33jr.

The year of 1976 was the most enjoyable year for my Ham life. I was stationed JA9QZH in Uozu-city (Toyama Pref.). And I went to West Germany to operate ham radio as JE1BQE/DL and DK0RA.

I went abroad to operate ham radio like DL/JE1BQE, W4, W6, W8, W9/JE1BQE, KH0/JE1BQE and KK6RT/KH0 around 1976-1993.

1983 - I upgraded my license to 1st Class, I became to be able to use 1000 watts maximum power.

2013 - I was stationed JD1BOO (1000 watts) in Ogasawara Island.

2014 - I was stationed HL3ZCG in Daejeon, Korea. I sometimes visit here on my business.

Present - My current rigs are the ICOM IC-7800 and IC-PW1 1000 watts amplifier. My antenna are a 80/40 meter dipole, a 20 - 10 meter spider beam, and a 4 element HB9CV antenna for 6 meter. I work on CW mode most of the times, and I am also interested in 50MHz QSO.

73 and 88 my friends and I am looking forward to talking with you on the air.

Thank you for reading my HAM radio history.

Hideyuki JE1BQE