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Позывной RN1NW устарел

Радиолюбитель получил новый позывной R1NW

Фёдор Сергеевич Кондратьев
Fedor S. Kondratyev

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I begun my radioamateur activity as an operator of club station UK3TAN of Gorky Marine College in 1976, where I was studying from 1976 till 1979.
After graduation of the Marine College I worked as a Radio Officer on board of Russian merchant vessels from 1980 till 1997. After GMDSS (Global Marine Distress Safety System) equipment eliminated profession of radiooperator on board of merchant vessels, I came to "shore based" job at crewing company, where I'm still working till present days.
I've got my first personal call sign UA1NAW in Petrozavodsk, Karelia in 1980. By that time I've completed my first home made 50 watts transmitter on 4 tubes (out on tube GU-50) with only CW mode. As a receiver I was using military receiver "KROT". (Black and white photo).
In 1992 I've got my present call RN1NW. I was active as UA1NAW/MM and RN1NW/MM from1991 till 1997. Mostly from Baltic and North sea.
I'm married and have two sons: Ivan, RN1NFL, born in 1983, and Sergey, RN1NFT, born in 1987. Both are navigators, and earning their living at sea on merchant vessels at the rank of 2nd Officers, future Captains, hi. Sometimes we have skeds when they are on board and working /MM.
My rigs at the moment are YEASU FT-2000, FT-897D, FT-290R, FT-101.
I operate mostly CW - 99 %. I like contesting (mostly CW), DX-chasing and satellite activity (mostly CW and SSB via AO-7 and VO-52).
I'm a member of following naval clubs: Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society(RNARS # 4263) and MF RUNDE (MF # 661).
QSLs are OK via bureau and direct. I'm also LOTW user. QSL’s received via bureau are answered 100% via bureau. All direct QSLs are answered also direct.
I will be glad to meet you on the air some day!
73! de RN1NW, Fedor Kondratyev / Ted