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ex CALL(s): IZ1GJK

Qsl manager iz1gjk Italian 3° strange radio event
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Strange Radio Team with the cooperation of ARI Ostia is pleased to introduce to the HAM community the:


This event will be held yearly, but its goal will change every year. To participate to the Strange Radio Event, the following rules as to be followed:

1- Date: from the 00,00 GMT of 20 October to the 24,00 GMT of 22 October 2006.

2- S.R.T. stations are worth 3 points, the special calls are worth 5 points and the special station is worth 10 points. These stations can be connected once every day per single band.

3- To obtain the Strange Radio Event Certificate 30 points minimum are requested.

4- Categories: S48 (Single Operator 40-80 mts), SMB (Single Operator MultiBand 10-15-20-40-80 mts), SWL, S.R.T. Members, S.R.T. Special Call, 2way : SSB only

5- Prizes. Plates to: First Classified S48, First Classified SMB, First Classified S.R.T. Member, First Classified S.R.T. Special Call and First SWL. In case of parity, the prize will go to the station that will have scored the highest number of QSO. Prizes will carry out during the 4th Strange Radio Meeting, Roma 2007.

6- The income, cleared of expenses , will be entirely devolved (for 2006) to the Association of “Friends of the Madagascar, Onlus”.

7- S.R.T. Stations callsigns, special callsigns and special station callsign will let be known as soon as possible through the normal Ham community channels.

8- Logs: to achieve the Strange Radio Event Certificate, logs have to be sent within and not beyond the 30 November 2006. 10 Euros or 15 $ are requested plus eventually free voluntary contribution to the Event Manager IZ7DOK Marco De Carlo, Via degli Orefici 6, 73100 Lecce, Italy

9- All the info will be updated first on http://www.strangeradioteam.com , the Official web site of the Strange Radio Team or send one email to: iz7dok@strangeradioteam.com


QSL DIRECT Via IZ1GJK with SAE + "Green Stamp"/Euro or I.R.C.

QSL VIA E-MAIL: iz1gjk@strangeradioteam.com >>>> Bureau