Италия Италия


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ex CALL(s): II1ANT, 2006, II1SRT, 2005, IO1SRT

Maurizio Gentile
Просмотров: 3,998
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Sono SWL/BCL dal 1984.
Ho conseguito la licenza di Classe A nel Gennaio 2005.

Penso che la Radio sia uno strumento perfetto per migliorare la conoscenza e l\'amicizia tra i popoli.

Sono membro dell\'A.R.I. (Genova 1601), dello Strange Radio Team e dell\'I-QRP (ex #432 ora I-QRP #668).

Con Federico IW1QN (co-ideatore) abbiamo creato l\'ACE HIGH DX CLUB allo scopo di riunire i radioamatori (OM e SWL) per perfezionare le tecniche le attrezzature ed il materiale per le attivazioni in contest o \"obbietivi particolari\" quali ad esmpio richiesti per il Diploma castelli o Diploma Laghi, zone o aree.

Sono attivatore S.O.T.A. (www.radioavventura.it) e D.L.I. (www.dlit.info).

Sono stato il Manager di II1SRT 2005 e, attualmente, di II1ANT 2006.


I\'m SWL/BCL of 1984.

I obtained the Class A Licence in January 2005.

I feel that the Radio is a perfect instrument to help the peoples of the world to get to know each other and to promote friendship between them.

I\'m a member of the A.R.I. (Genoa 1601), of the Strange Radio Team and of the I-QRP (ex #432 now I-QRP #668).

With Frederico IWIQN (co-creator) we started the ACE HIGH DX CLUB with the aim of bringing together Amateur Radio Operators (OM and SWL) in order to perfect techniques, equipment and material for use in contests or for \"particular goals\" such as to satisfy the requirements of the Italian Castles Award or Italian Lakes Award, zones or areas.

I\'m S.O.T.A. (www.radioavventura.it) or D.L.I. activator (www.dlit.info).

I was the Manager of II1SRT 2005 and, presently, of II1ANT 2006.


Je suis SWL/BCL de 1984.

J\'ai obtenu la Licence de Classe A en Janvier 2005.

Je crois que la Radio est l\'instrument parfait pour faciliter et promouvoir les connaissances et les amitiйs entre les peuples.

Je suis membre de l\'A.R.I., de l\'Equipe \"Strange Radio Team\" et de l\'I-QRP (ex #432 devenu I-QRP #668.

Avec Federico IW1QN (co-concepteur) nous avons fondй le ACE HIGH DX CLUB dans le but de rйunir les radioamateurs (OM et SWL) afin de perfectionner les techniques, les йquipements et le matйriel utilisйs dans les \"contests\" ou bien dans des buts particuliers tels que pour satisfaire aux critиres d\'attribution des Certificats des Chateaux Italienne ou des Lacs Italienne, zones ou aires.

Je suis activateur de S.O.T.A. (www.radioavventura.it) e de D.L.I. (www.dlit.info).

J\'йtais \"Manager\" (Chef) de II1SRT 2005 et, maintenant, de II1ANT 2006.

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